
Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram

PhD Candidate
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California, Merced


Research Interests

I am interested in exploring the requirements of emerging communication paradigms to design and develop novel protocols while optimizing them using their intrinsic properties. Currently, I contribute to the IEEE P3388 working group, focusing on standardizing performance assessment and measurements for industrial wireless systems.

Technical Skills

  • Languages : C, Python, Go, NodeJS
  • Technologies : IEEE 802.11ah, IEEE 802.15.4 and LoRa LPWAN.
  • Simulators : NS-3, OPNET, TOSSIM, OverSim P2P Network Simulator.
  • Embedded OS : Linux, TinyOS, Custom Kernel Compilation.
  • Virtualization Tools : Docker, Vagrant.
  • Networking Protocol Development: MAC & upper layers, Channel/Network Coding, AI/ML assisted protocols, P2P Overlay Networking.
  • Embedded wireless IoT node bring-up.
  • Applied AI/ML for Wireless Communications.
  • Applied Blockchain for IoT Applications.

Education and experience

  • 2018 - now:
    • PhD Candidate, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Merced.

    • Research and Teaching Assistant, Computer Science and Engineering, UC Merced.

    • 2024/11 - now:
      • Member, Working Group and Technical SubGroup, IEEE P3388 Standards Association.
        Project: Wireless Performance Assessment and Measurement for Industrial Wireless Systems

    • 2024/05 - 2024/08:
      • Research Intern, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, USA.
        Project: Blockchain Solutions for Factory Automation

    • 2022/05 - 2022/08:
      • Research Intern , Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, USA.
        Project : Advanced Networking Technologies
        Contribution : Dynamic Relay Point (DRP) protocol.
        Yield : 1 Conference paper (IEEE ISIT 2023) and 1 US Patent filed.

  • 2015 - 2017: Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, SRM University, India.
    • 2017/02 - 2017/07: Visiting Student/Research Assistant, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

  • 2011 - 2015: Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University, India.

US Patents

  1. Rateless Erasure Coding for Multi-Hop Broadcast Transmission in Wireless IoT Network
    Jianlin Guo, Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram, Toshiaki Koike-Akino, Pu Wang, Kieran Parsons, Philip Orlik, Takenori Sumi, and Yukimasa Nagai.
    U.S. Patent Application No. 18/124,102, Filed: March 21, 2023 (Pending).


    2018 - now:
  1. COMNETS: COst-sensitive decision trees approach to throughput optimization for Multi-radio IoT NETworkS
    Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram, Magzhan Gabidolla, Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan, Alberto E. Cerpa.
    arXiv e-print, arXiv:2502.03677, 2025 [pdf]

  2. MARS: Multi-radio Architecture with Radio Selection using Decision Trees For Emerging Mesoscale CPS/IoT Applications
    Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram, Arman Zharmagambetov, Magzhan Gabidolla, Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan, Alberto E. Cerpa.
    arXiv e-print, arXiv:2409.18043, 2024 [pdf]

  3. Rateless Erasure Coding for Multi-Hop Broadcast Transmission in Wireless IoT Network
    Jianlin Guo, Toshiaki Koike-Akino, Pu Wang, Kieran Parsons, Philip Orlik, Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram, Takenori Sumi, and Yukimasa Nagai.
    In IEEE ISIT 2023. [pdf]

  4. Poster Abstract: On the feasibility of an IoT Multi-Radio Architecture for Smart Buildings
    Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram & Alberto E. Cerpa
    In ACM BuildSys, 2020. [pdf] [Teaser video] [Full video]

  5. A Survey on LoRa Networking: Research Problems, Current Solutions and Open Issues.
    Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram, Wan Du, Zhiwei Zhao.
    IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, October 2019. [pdf]

  6. Resilience Bounds of Sensing-Based Network Clock Synchronization.
    Rui Tan, Linshan Jiang, Arvind Easwaran, Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram.
    In IEEE ICPADS, 2018. [pdf] [slides]

    2016 - 2017:
  1. Performance Analysis of CREIDO Enhanced Chord Overlay Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.
    Bhalaji Natarajan, Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram, Parthiban Natarajan.
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 2017. [pdf]

  2. T2WSN: Titivated Two-Tired Chord Overlay Aiding Robustness And Delivery Ratio For Wireless Sensor Networks.
    T. Peer Meera Labbai and Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram.
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2016. [pdf]

  3. Analysis of Creido Enhanced Chord Overlay Protocol Under Different Movement Models in Delay Tolerant Networks.
    Umaparvathi, Bhalaji Natarajan, Jothi Prasanna Shanmuga Sundaram, Parthiban Natarajan.
    Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, 2016. [pdf]

Professional services

  • Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
  • Reviewer, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  • Mentor, Pathway to PhD program, NSF IoT4Ag, 2024.
  • Student Volunteer, IPSN 2022
  • Student Volunteer, SenSys/BuildSys 2020

Awards and honors

  • Grad Excel Peer Mentor Award, UC Merced, 2021, 22
  • EECS Bobcat Summer Fellowship, UC Merced, 2019,20,21
  • Master's Merit Scholarship, SRM University, 2015-2017
  • Bachelor's Merit Scholarship, Central Goverment of India, 2011-2015